But before you do, let’s talk about YOU. Let’s really dig deep and examine your contributions.
How many jobs have you created?
How many people have you helped?
How many lives have you touched in a meaningful way?
How often do you do charity work?
How often do you feed the hungry?
When you pass, what legacy will you leave behind? What will your impact be on this world?
These aren’t just rhetorical questions. They are the essence of your life’s work and your purpose.
When you look back on your life and your memories, what will you see?
What did you leave behind that’s actually worth remembering? Can you honestly say there’s something you are proud of? Something that stands as your testament to this world?
Think about what you’ve offered to humanity.
Have you lifted others, given them hope, or created a positive change? Or instead, have you spent your time tearing down those who have?
Taylor Swift has created thousands of jobs, brought millions of dollars into cities, donated generously to charity, and inspired countless people through her music and actions.
SHE has left an indelible mark on the world. A legacy of creativity, generosity, and resilience. So, before you cast your stones, reflect on your own contributions.
What have you given the world?
Your words reflect YOU. Make them count.
Be someone who builds, supports, and uplifts.
Leave behind a legacy you can be proud of.
A legacy that goes beyond just words or criticism.
A legacy that genuinely makes a difference.
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”