Can Boston Celtics star Jayson Tatum actually catch Hall of Fame legend Larry Bird? The Celtics star set his sights about as high as they can get when discussing how he hopes his career ends up going when all is said in done in an interview last week. Is the St. Louis native getting way ahead of himself, setting some impossible goals, or well on his way already?
With a host of All-NBA and All-Star nods already under his belt and a title secured at the end of last season, it is not out of the realm of possibility Tatum could have a career comparable to Larry Legend’s when all is said and done.
The hosts of the CLNS Media “Celtics Beat” podcast, Adam Kaufman and Evan Valenti, sat down with “Off the Pike” podcast host Brian Barrett to talk it over on a recent episode of their show. Check it out below!
If you enjoy this pod, check out the “How Bout Them Celtics,” “First to the Floor,” “Celtics Lab,” and the many other New England sports podcasts available on the CLNS Media network.