Hear ye, hear ye, clowns and Swifties! We’ve got a new Easter egg to talk about. And it’s too big to ignore.
As every human on planet Earth knows, Taylor Swift is currently in the middle of the final Eras Tour leg, spanning 18 shows and five North American cities: Miami, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Toronto, and finally, Vancouver.

Of course, Tay has a whole team who plans the cities she visits, so fans normally don’t look too far into Easter eggs surrounding that. But we recently learned some huge news about this leg in particular: Taylor “hand-picked” these five cities. SHE chose them herself. 👀

The reason she gave for choosing these cities was that they’re especially “passionate” and “enthusiastic.” BUT… as much as I know my home turf of Toronto is a very exciting city… true Swifties know there’s gotta be more to the story. If Taylor had her hands on it, there’s an Easter egg.

So with this new information, it didn’t take long for people to find an Easter egg so glaringly obvious, it forced even the Swifties who’ve never clowned before to turn their heads. And my Canadian heart is delighted to tell you that it has to do with Toronto and Vancouver, the final two stops on The Eras Tour.

It’s actually, like, really simple: Toronto and Vancouver spells out TV. Which is also the universally-known acronym for what? Oh yeah. TAYLOR’S VERSION.

Is this a coincidence? Absolutely freaking not. No offense, Vancouver people, but it always felt a little odd that she’d end the tour in Vancouver. But more importantly, that’s just SOOOO Taylor to choose those cities for that reason. Like, remember when she announced 1989 (Taylor’s Version) on August 9th because it was 8/9? She does meticulous things like that all the time, and I bet you she’s about to do it again.

I am knee deep in clowning regarding Taylor Swift fan theories and all I’ll say is it’s INTERESTING that the tour ends in Toronto (T) and Vancouver (V). TV. Taylor’s version?! TAYLOR. What does it mean
— Alli Girl 💁🏼♀️ (@AlliAlliG) October 23, 2024
But hold on a sec: what would this TV theory actually be FOR? Well, you probably know that Taylor has been teasing us with tons of debut–reputation stuff (like, the number of surprise song mashups from those albums feels purposeful). And those are the only two Taylor’s Versions still left in the vault.

All I’m saying is, when Taylor announces one or both of the last Taylor’s Versions and references this “TV” Easter egg, I’ll be here to say “I told you so.”
What are your thoughts on this Easter egg? Far fetched, or purposeful? Tell me in the comments, and make sure you follow BuzzFeed Canada for more Taylor content!